ciggie clippie set


it’s 2pm on a monday and you just remembered you haven’t had any food or water since waking. you race to the fridge and pantry to eat what appears to be stale almonds and then as you look for a glass to pour some water you come across your kitchen scissors. you think to yourself, “well, i have no food to cut, so surely i need to find another purpose for these.” and that’s when it dawns on you. you haven’t cut your hair in months! now, more than ever, the timing to trim your hair makes sense! with a handful of stale almonds now in your system, you feel ready to make some big moves. you take the scissors and go to your bathroom, the scissors take over. they dance in your hands. your hair graces the ground like grass on a spring day. you finally remember to look in the mirror and you realize, wow, i am my own hair stylist. i rock! as you bend down to sweep up your hair, you feel the sensation of your hair all over your face. augh! hello! move away, hair, you proclaim! you look around for pins and clips and of course you cannot seem to find where you last left them. somewhere, someplace in a room! as you begin to scavenge your room and give up, you remember you saw a girl with fake ciggie clips in her hair. what an invention, you thought! and then you grabbed your phone and typed in, and sure enough you landed here! on this screen right now! to buy a pair of single ciggieclippies! vowing to yourself that you’d never misplace them.

A set of single fake ciggie clip on alligaor hair clips in sizes 7.5cm/2.95 inch and 5.5cm/2.17 inch. 
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